Tag Archives: The Art Of Patron

The Art of Patron Contest Finalist

As you may know, I participated in “The Art of Patron” contest which was launched on March 1, and I’m told the response was great! They received hundreds of unique, inventive entries. It was a challenge to pick their favorites, but that process is complete and my project is one of the top 25 designs which have advanced to the semi-finalist round.  Holy cow!  Here’s a photo of my submission titled, Snow Globe – Patron Style.


Now, it’s your turn to vote for your favorite design. Voting began today at 12:00 p.m. EST, and I encourage (no, I’m pleading) with you to visit www.artofpatron.com to view the gallery of semi-finalists and cast your vote for your favorite work of art before the public voting period ends on May 31st. Simply follow the green “Art of Patron” link above, create a profile, then vote! You can also share the contest with your Facebook friends! The 10 designs that earn the most public votes will win $1,000 and have a chance at receiving the $10,000 grand prize. 

Once the 10 finalists are selected, they will be reviewed by a judging panel from DIFFA: Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS, one of the nation’s largest funders of HIV/AIDS service and education supported by national designers and artists from all disciplines. In appreciation of the organization’s participation, Patrón has made a $10,000 donation in support of DIFFA’s fundraising efforts to fight HIV/AIDS. Members of the DIFFA judging panel include David Rockwell of the Rockwell Group; Cindy Allen, editor in chief at Interior Design; and Evette Rios, designer on ABC’s “The Chew.”

Thank you and have fun voting!


‘The Art of Patron’ Contest Submission

The Art of Patron challenge … check! I submitted my creation, Snow Globe, Patron Style, by contest deadline but let me tell ya crafters, it wasn’t without some disasters and minor meltdowns, some involving cussing. Yes I like to do that occasionally and it feels good – sorry mom!  Anywho there were hot messes far too many to yammer on about. But the best was AFTER I inserted the trees, glitter, liquid, and sealed the cork I stepped back to admire my work … there it was, floating gently around the bottle with glitter swirling around its lifeless body, a tequila loving spider…&#%!@?!!!! Fast forward to a moment of silence for Mr Spider, more cussing, and a project do-over, I finished my creations. Phew!


After I simmer down, I’ll share the ‘how-to’ for making YOUR own spider-free snow globe. All conflama aside, it was a fun challenge and thank you Patron for the opportunity to participate!

Happy &#%!@?! crafting 🙂